

         为有效地向世界传播海南自由贸易试验区和中国特色自由贸易港的重要新闻资讯,向世界传递海南声音、讲好海南故事,提升海南主流媒体国际传播力、影响力,南海网“This is Hainan”英文频道从今日起推出海南首档中英双语网络视频节目《Foreigners in Hainan》(《外国人在海南》)。该节目通过视频节目的形式,利用互联网作为传播载体,通过讲述外籍人士在海南生活、工作、学习、创业的故事,反映海南自贸区、自贸港创建以来,不断开放的海南逐渐成为外国人才寻梦的热土。广大网友可登录南海网(hinews.cn)英文频道点击收看。

  《Foreigners in Hainan》将以“轻专题片”和短视频的模式,通过采访在琼工作的外国专家、外国创业青年、留学生等,聚焦他们在琼工作、创业、旅行、学习的情况,讲述他们在海南这块日新月异、不断开放的热土上拼搏追梦的动人故事。

  据了解,这是南海网继今年1月11日推出海南首档互联网英语新闻音频节目《海南之声》后,策划推出的海南首档中英双语网络视频节目,实现了南海网“This is Hainan”英文频道文字、图片、视频、音频的网络传播全覆盖,以更加多元、更加丰富的传播手段向世界传递海南声音,讲述海南故事。


In order to better promote the important news information of Hainan Free Trade Zone and the free trade port with Chinese characteristics to the world, improve international communication and connect Hainan with the world, This is Hainan, the English news channel of hinews.cn, today launches Hainan's first Chinese-English bilingual online video program "Foreigners in Hainan".  

The video program will tell the stories of foreigners living, working and studying in Hainan with the platform of internet, users can log on to the website www.hinews.cn, This is Hainan, to watch the program.

Hainan is pushing forward the construction of free trade zone and free trade port, more and more foreign talents and foreign-funded enterprises are attracted to settle in Hainan. If you are or you know foreign friends living in Hainan, and if you are willing to share your or their stories in Hainan, please send us your brief introduction to thisishainan@163.com , we are looking forward to hearing your stories.



